Fibre Optic Health Risks

    Do Fibre Cables Emit EM Radiation?

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    Posted on: November 7, 2022

    With copper networks becoming decommissioned in 2025, fibre optic cables are the most suitable selection, not only to replace the existing network, but also to improve the internet connection we receive.

    By switching from a copper network to a full fibre connection, we enable a smoother internet connection that is truly unmatchable compared to the current system.

    With this mass, national change, there are concerns around the safety of this new material that will be in and around our homes. This comes with a stigma of fibre optic health risks that could be a biproduct of being exposed to them.

    Which leads us to the question ‘do fibre optic cables emit Electromagnetic Radiation?.’

    Electromagnetic Radiation

    According to Oxford Languages, electromagnetic radiation is defined as ‘a kind of radiation including visible light, radio waves, gamma rays, and X-rays, in which electric and magnetic fields vary simultaneously.’

    Sources of electromagnetic radiation comes from both man-made inventions and natural occurrences; TV’s, microwaves, computer screens, fibre optic cables, thunderstorms and more.

    According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), after conducting extensive research, they concluded that ‘current evidence does not confirm the existence of any health consequences from exposure to low level electromagnetic fields.’

    Do Fibre Optic Cables emit EM Radiation?

    With fibre optic cables using light as its vehicle of data transmission, there is understandable concern regarding electromagnetic radiation being emitted from them.

    The WHO has established electromagnetic radiation in low forms is not harmful, but the question remains, do fibre optic cables emit radiation?

    The answer is no, they do not emit radiation.

    Fibre optic cables are nonconducting and are therefore safe in all electromagnetic fields. Any breaks that do occur within a cable can be detected extremely quickly and fixed in a timely fashion.

    Compare this with its copper counterpart, which is conductive and acts as an antenna to electromagnetic fields. It is much safer to have fibre cables around your home and road compared to the existing copper network setup.

    Not only is it safer, but the performance is also unmatched – a fibre optic cable will remove any internet speed problems you are currently experiencing. There are many more benefits that having full fibre internet access can bring you, such as a greener carbon footprint, consistent connection, and less maintenance callouts.

    Fibre Future

    As mentioned above, copper networks will be decommissioned in 2025. The future of our national internet connection is a full fibre network to premises up and down the country.

    If you want to know more about our full fibre broadband installation in your town, browse our coverage checker to see how we are progressing in your town.

    If you have any questions, please do get in touch and we are more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

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